You remember this guy. He's the "chief" of a one-man police force in the town of Gilberton, PA who made a series of YouTube videos loaded with swearing, lots of gunfire, and liberal use of the term "libtard" - in both the singular and plural varieties.
The guy is one of those "around the bend" gun nuts who thinks that Obama is going to take his guns (The Preciousssss!) from him any day now.
A month ago, he was suspended from duty without pay for one month for taking weapons that were the property of his employer (the Borough of Gilberton, PA) and using them to fire a few hundred rounds in his YouTube videos. Still no word on whose ammo he tore through - theirs or his own - but I have my suspicions.
A few days ago, Chief Kessler made another video in which he threatens the Vice President of the Gilberton Borough Council, one Eric Boxer. In fact, xxdr zombiexx wrote a diary about this event just a few days ago. In this new video, Kessler shoots up a target with an AK-47. How lovely!
Well, the Borough Council has responded. Let's check it out, shall we?